Holistic living starts with nutrition. The things you eat have a profound effect on how you feel, and the length and quality of your life. It can be extremely difficult to maintain a healthy diet and lifestyle when the market is glutted with highly processed, salty, fatty foods, and everyone around you is eating them with abandon. Nutritionists and holistic nutrition experts have a lot to offer by way of advice and guidance, and being part of a community that practices good nutrition and healthy living can also be a major positive influence. For anyone looking for a health-conscious community, and especially for people considering a profession in holistic nutrition, Google+ offers:
- Nutrition communities that accommodate all dietary restrictions and choices.
- Scientific experts on nutrition, metabolism, and dietary health.
- Other individuals pursuing a nutritious, holistic, and healthy lifestyle.
Getting involved in the community and adding these pages to your Google+ circles is a great way to start learning more about nutrition and holistic living. These sites are not being ranked here, so be sure to check them all out and find the ones that are right for you.
Holistic Nutrition & Lifestyle
Healthy living goes beyond nutrition, but eating right can have a massive impact on your lifestyle. These Google+ pages cover every angle of healthy living, with a strong emphasis on eating and drinking with health in mind.
Natural Living
The Natural Living Community on Google Plus is full of members who convey their expertise on natural cures to common problems we face. The community brings together an impressive number of experts, so you can always find something useful. -
Natural Holistic Health
Natural Holistic Health is a community with content pulled from all over the internet that stays focused on getting healthier and attaining a weight and lifestyle that are centered on eating naturally. They discuss various natural products and leave the consumer better informed.
Twitter Handle: @WholisticMom -
Naturally Savvy
Naturally Savvy helps individuals make smarter and more informed choices about the food they eat. The Google Plus page is a great extension of the site and posts some of the most important articles, along with great guides.
Twitter Handle: @naturallysavvy -
Forks Over Knives
Forks Over Knives is a movie and book that show individuals how a plant-based diet can reverse many degenerative diseases that result from eating meat. The Google Plus page is dense with supplementary information and recipes that can prove useful to those who have and haven’t read the book.
Twitter Handle: @ForksOverKnives -
Slow Food USA
Slow Food USA looks to get us back in tune with food and farming, while promoting a greater awareness of what we’re eating and where our food comes from. Their large membership base of 25,000 individuals emphasizes how they’re working in communities across the country.
Twitter Handle: @SlowFoodUSA -
Max Goldberg
Max Goldberg runs the organic food blog livingmaxwell.com and highlights the latest trends, news, and products in the industry. His Google Plus page is wonderful for figuring out how to improve your life through the most natural means.
Twitter Handle: @livingmaxwell -
Weelicious helps parents with delicious and healthy recipes for children and the whole family. The recipes have a holistic emphasis and the presentation is well noted. The Google Plus posts center on various plates of food and even go in depth on farmers markets.
Twitter Handle: @weelicious -
Sustainable Table
Sustainable Table helps to inform consumers to make better decisions for when it comes to what we’re serving our families. News is often posted, along with information on the latest studies in the field.
Twitter Handle: @EcoCentered -
Health and Healing Australia
Health and Healing Australia unites Australians on matters concerning food and welcomes discussion on committing to a better lifestyle. The community page is useful because they illustrate upcoming events, news articles, and advice pieces.
Twitter Handle: @AnnieInfinite -
Ricki Heller
Ricki Heller wrote a book on preparing delicious, sugar-free, gluten-free, dairy-free dishes and provides advice on how to live more healthily. Posts on her Google Plus page promote conversation and are engaging enough for even a casual reader to enjoy.
Twitter Handle: @RickiHeller -
Wellness Circle
Wellness Circle posts really great information on how to improve one’s health in innumerable ways. They also use their posts as wonderful educational infographics that make understanding how to be healthier much more clearly.
Twitter Handle: @WellnessCircle -
Morgan McKean
Morgan McKean specializes in intuitive healing and transformation coaching by utilizing a holistic approach for living a healthier life. The Google Plus page has many useful links to improving one’s life through meditation, practicing ways to distress, and more.
Twitter Handle: @morganbmckean -
Organic Restaurants
Organic Restaurants helps raise awareness of organically raised foods and emphasize how higher quality foods can attribute to higher quality lives for individuals. The posts on the site focus on ingredients in common dishes and the misconceptions associated with their supposed value to our health.
Twitter Handle: @OrganicFindEat -
Amelia Winslow
Amelia Winslow is a nutritionist and a blogger at Eating Made Easy who uses her page to focus on self-help tips and detail useful recipes. She keeps it lighthearted with funny posts about weight and food, so it’s a great way to find new dietary techniques.
Twitter Handle: @EatingMadeEasy -
Rachael Campbell
Rachael Campbell looks to help return individuals to more natural eating habits through innovative approaches. Posts on her Google Plus page go over some of the best recipes and how we can eliminate harmful products from our bodies.
Twitter Handle: @rachaelcampbel -
Healthy Holistic Living
Healthy Holistic Living is an integral resource for getting the best information on how to improve you life through eating better and being more conscious as to what’s being consumed. Their posts look at healthful things to eat, along with exercise and other tips for being healthy.
Twitter Handle: @natureheals -
from sprouts to supper
from sprouts to supper specializes in health and wellness virtual support and outlines all the best ways to eat healthier and feel more energized. Evelyn Fuertes runs the site and has extensive experience as an Executive Assistant, so understands the pressures of eating healthy while incredibly busy.
Twitter Handle: @fromsprout_supp -
Elizabeth Taylor
Elizabeth Taylor’s Google Plus page is a great place to gather useful information on growing food organically and shopping at farmers markets in your area. She’s also a writer for Organic Food Markets, so had extensive experience with the subject matter.
Twitter Handle: @organicfoodmark -
Bill Klar
Bill Klar is a chef who helps people get back in tune with their mind, body, and spirit by helping them reform their eating habits. He discusses how to eat better on his Google Plus page and posts upcoming events he’s doing as well.
Twitter Handle: @BillKlar -
Nourish Holistic Nutrition Therapy Coach
Nourish Holistic Nutrition Therapy Coach helps people find the source of unhealthy activities and improve their lives by adapting holistically sound approaches. The Google Plus page has a surprising amount of useful information that looks at reasons we don’t feel well and how to fix these problems.
Twitter Handle: @nourishnutrishn -
Lisa’s Vegetarian Kitchen
Lisa’s Vegetarian Kitchen gives others the proper resources and tips to live a healthier, vegetarian life. The recipes are often updated, making it a great place to learn how to make a new dish. -
Idara Wolf
Idara Wolf posts some of the best ways to live healthily through great tasting food that is also good for you. The recipes on the site are incredibly thorough, which ensures the best chance of making a high quality dish.
Twitter Handle: @wolfelephant3 -
Dana’s Botanicals and Holistic Living Page
Dana’s Botanicals and Holistic Living Page is run by a hospice social worker who has seen many useful ways for living better by adopting a holistic approach. The posts on her page explain how certain oils can address health concerns.
Twitter Handle: @Piccoladb -
Grow Healthy Organic Foods
Grow Health Organic Foods walks users through how to eat healthier through growing their own food. The page has great information on how to eat better and identify potentially handful chemicals at the grocery.
Twitter Handle: @GrowOrganicFod -
Holistic Nourishment
Seattle-based Holistic Nourishment posts a wealth of informative guidance on how to cure common ailments with natural remedies. The page posts infographics, videos, and commentary on environmental issues as well. -
The Mediterranean Nutritionist
The Mediterranean Nutritionist is helping people get back on the right track in terms of eating habits by explaining simple and effective ways to change one’s weight and emotional stability. -
Omega Institute For Holistic Studies
Omega Institute for Holistic Studies is an organization that educates individuals in the areas of yoga, wellness, meditation, and sustainable living. The Google Plus page takes full advantage of their wide-ranging experience in holistic nutrition and elaborates on how this lifestyle can be beneficial.
Twitter Handle: @omega_institute -
Noshtopia is a food blog that chronicles what it’s like to be a flexitarian, which is a vegetarian who occasionally eats meat, dairy, and eggs. The Google Plus page is loaded with appetizing recipes and where to find the ingredients.
Twitter Handle: @noshtopia -
Green & Non-Toxic & Holistic Living
Green & Non-Toxic & Holistic Living is a large Google Plus community highlighting home products and commonly used items to explain any health hazards that may be associated with them and good alternatives.
Twitter Handle: @miessence -
Edison Institute Of Nutrition
The Edison Institute of Nutrition explains in depth the power of the human body to regulate itself when equipped with the proper nutrients and minerals. They go on to explain how far we’ve gotten away from healthy lifestyles , as well as what needs to be done to return to this and how we can do it.
Twitter Handle: @EdisonInstitute -
Healthy Eating Organic
Health Eating Organic explains some of the best dishes to make when making more informed dishes for your health. They focus on individual natural ingredients and explain their health value in many contexts.
Twitter Handle: @healthyeatingo -
OrganicFood.com.au has a directory of local organic markets, as well as nutritional information and great recipes based on natural ingredients. Additionally, they’ve added opinions about different markets, which allows users to quickly find one that suits their needs.
Twitter Handle: @OrganicFoodCo -
The Red Radish Natural Foods
The Red Radish Natural Foods is a store in Wisconsin that also maintains a very impressive Google Plus page that doesn’t hold back on refuting health myths, while providing the latest developments on living a natural and holistic lifestyle.
Twitter Handle: @TheRedRadish -
The Vegan Bee
The Vegan Bee gives the lowdown on eating vegan and creating the best dishes imaginable by doing so. Notable subjects on the site are their engaging recipes and vegan news.
Twitter Handle: @theveganbee -
Natural Optimum Wellness
Natural Optimum Wellness posts information on diseases, self-help solutions, along with great seasonal advice. They also have a wealth of great videos that explain how to commit yourself to healthier lifestyles.
Twitter Handle: @NatOptWellness -
Natural Health and Beauty
Natural Health and Beauty is a community that researches chemicals put into beauty products and informs on how to find naturally occurring products. They also spend time explaining how eating better can improve the health of your skin, potentially eliminating the need for beauty products. -
The Health Newbie
The Health Newbie is a great introductory Google Plus page for those who aren’t as familiar with holistic nutrition and how to eat healthier. They have great recipes for beginners looking to make lifestyle changes centered around healthy ingredients. -
Holistic Living with Kristy
Holistic Living with Kristy is an impressive page that goes in-depth on properly raising a child in a manner that promotes long-term stability and happiness through a holistic parenting approach. She explains the difference between organic and GMO foods, along with what we can do to improve the food environment today. -
Holistic Living and Health
Holistic Living and Health combines physical, spiritual, environmental, and nutritional aspects of holistic living to assemble a unique community that is thoroughly equipped to address the biggest health issues of today. People post on news, health advice, inspirational nutritional quotes, along with information on spiritual support and meditation. -
Healing with Food
Healing with Food looks at how food is being used more for medicinal purposes and returning us to how we used to eat. Various users submit their own recipes and explain the lasting benefit these methods have in their life.
Going Organic
Eating organic fruits and vegetables, and meat that hasn’t been treated with recombinant growth hormones or other unsavory chemicals, is one way that many people have chosen to increase their quality of life and reduce the impact of their consumption.
Cultures for Health
Cultures for Health explains the cultures that grow on foods and elaborates on the effects these can have on you. Most of the time, it’s harmless, but make sure to read this Google Plus page to stay informed.
Twitter Handle: @cultures4health -
Natural Parenting with Green Child Magazine
Natural Parenting with Green Child Magazine is a Google Plus community where people can come and discuss the ways that nutrition and parenting come together. People post questions and interesting articles, so you can always be sure to find new information that is worthwhile.
Twitter Handle: @greenchildmag -
Clean Eating Recipes
Clean Eating Recipes focuses on the best dishes, from start to finish. They ensure only the best ingredients and preparations are taken, while also maintaining a high quality presentation and conveying the utmost clarity.
Twitter Handle: @GraciousPantry -
Bellamy’s Organic
Bellamy’s Organic creates forward-thinking foods for babies, toddlers, and children. By teaching children good eating habits young, they will have the best chance of developing these into lifelong ideas.
Twitter Handle: @BellamysOrganic -
Superfood Snacks
Superfood Snacks is an informative page that explains the best snacks to eat to stay healthy and improve oneself. They sell raw chocolate, so are well versed in providing delicious and healthy snacks.
Twitter Handle: @SuperfoodSnacks -
Natural Healthy Concepts
Natural Health Concepts has a line of cosmetics that is free from hazardous chemicals and artificial ingredients. When looking through the Google Plus page, you can view posts that address common discomforts and ailments that have natural solutions as well.
Twitter Handle: @naturalhealthy -
Blender Babes
Blender Babes is a Google Plus community that goes in-depth on how making unique juices can be the most effective way to get all the nutrients and minerals essential to a sustainable diet. It’s also a great place for advice and good mixes and quality information on getting started.
Twitter Handle: @BlenderBabes -
Vibrant Lifestyle
Vibrant Lifestyle is a health food store in Toronto that also has great guides on cooking classes, holistic nutrition, supplements, and even herbal remedies. Posts provide more information on living holistically, along with specials at the store.
Twitter Handle: @VLtoronto -
Dean’s Natural Food Market
Dean’s Natural Food Market prides itself on the ability to provide the community with an outlet for only the healthiest and realest ingredients. The Google Plus page is well managed as well though, often including useful recipe advice, movies that educate on food, and more.
Twitter Handle: @deans_market -
Families Cooking with Kids
Families Cooking with Kids posts awesome idea for getting children involved with cooking and how to make it a lifelong habit to cook your own food. The community has some of the best recipes, not only because they taste good, but also look fantastic.
Twitter Handle: @JoyFoodly -
Good Food Shops
Good Food Shops focuses on small retailers of local goods across the country and how we can reinforce our communities nationally by returning to the practice of buying locally. They’re always highlighting a new business that’s worth checking out, so it’s lush with useful reads.
Twitter Handle: @GoodFoodShopper -
Jyoti Natural Foods
Jyoti Natural Foods makes gluten-free and vegetarian plates, which helps people to meet various dietary needs and live healthier lives. The posts on the Google Plus page include recipes, news, and refreshing quotes.
Twitter Handle: @JyotiFoods -
Z Natural Foods
Z Natural Foods looks at various compounds made from all natural ingredients and how they’re beneficial when added to our everyday lives. They focus a lot on different nutritional powders that can be added to smoothies or drinks.
Twitter Handle: @ZNaturalFoods -
Wild Food, Foraging and Natural Resources
Wild Food, Foraging, and Natural Resources is a great reference source for those who like to take advantage of their surroundings through eating the food naturally around them. The Google Plus page explains certain kinds of vegetation, where it grows, and things to look out for.
Twitter Handle: @stevemarvell -
The Market Runners
The Market Runners is an impressive organization that works to deliver produce from farms directly to the door of clients. By cutting out the shipping times and costs associated with grocery store produce, they’re able to offer the freshest and cheapest produce.
Twitter Handle: @MarketRunners -
Field Fayre The Organic Store
Field Fayre The Organic Store has all the best natural and holistic ingredients for preparing the best food possible. The Google Plus page explains how to heal yourself naturally and without medicine as well.
Twitter Handle: @FieldFayreUK -
Natural Health Connected
Natural Health Connected lets consumers make the most informed nutrition decisions possible by explaining useful tips for preventing common diseases. Not only do they have information on great foods to eat, but also common health pitfalls people end up in.
Twitter Handle: @NHConnected -
Chia is a superfood supplier and sources Asian and South American superfoods in European and American markets. When it comes to reforming your diet and looking for engaging and delicious recipes, Chia should be one of the first sites you turn to.
Twitter Handle: @AboutChiaUK -
Organic Tree Juice Bar
Organic Tree Juice Bar is an invigorating way to get healthy and centers on nutritious fruits and vegetables. Posts on the page look at recipes and drinks that make being healthier rewarding.
Twitter Handle: @OrganicTree -
Food Independence
Food Independence is a community working to take back our food choices and campaigns for individuals to grow their own food. Community members work together to foster a stronger “DIY” movement locally.
Twitter Handle: @foodindependene -
Healthy Cooking & Nutrition
Healthy Cooking & Nutrition has some of the most unique dishes that combat various bacteria and enforce higher qualities of living through improved health. Within the community, there are also subsections on superfoods, recipes, and a useful discussion section. -
Natural and Organic beauty, health,and nutrition
Natural and Organic beauty, health, and nutrition is a Google Community where individuals discuss the composition of various beauty products and recommend other safe ones to use. Due to the prevalence of harmful chemicals in makeup today, this page has seen a large amount of activity. -
Organic Mantra
Organic Mantra is an informational source that focuses on everything organic. From organic food and cosmetics to organic vitamins and more. -
Vega Recipe
Vega Recipe is full of the most delicious vegetable-based recipes, which is very useful for vegans looking to diversify their meal options. Vega regularly posts new recipes, so you can always count on new ones to appear.
Twitter Handle: @VegaTeam -
Live Superfoods
Live Superfoods is a vegan’s paradise and is lush with useful information on raw foods, whole foods, supplements, vitamins, and more. The Google Plus page has great recipes and even goes in depth on the health benefits.
Twitter Handle: @LiveSuperfoods -
Whole Earth
Whole Earth is a line of delicious organic products that eliminates artificial ingredients and explains how when doing so, you can feel better while eating better tasting foods as well. Their wide ranging options make it a great choice for reforming eating habits.
Twitter Handle: @wholeearthfoods -
All Natural Food Zone
Members of the All Natural Food Zone community post pieces on the health benefits of fruits and vegetables in various contexts, often explaining in a candid and easy-to-understand manner.
Twitter Handle: @NaturalFoodBlog -
Organic Food Consumers
Organic Food Consumers is a Google Plus community that promotes the identification of safe food choices in the wake of rampant GMO contamination in our food supply. They give users information on how to identify GMO foods and tips for starting personal gardens.
Twitter Handle: @webgourmand -
Natural Food Shop Inc.
Natural Food Shop Inc. is based in Toronto, Canada and regularly highlights great natural recipes and useful quotes that empower people to eat better. The recipes on the site could convince even the most staunch meat-eater to try to change their eating habits.
Twitter Handle: @BuyNaturalFood -
Fish Creek Naturopathic Medicine
Fish Creek Naturopathic Medicine uses their Google Plus page to post very introspective pieces on holistic nutrition and natural health. You can read their tips on preventing illnesses, along with why and how certain foods can trigger sickness.
Twitter Handle: @DrJoeND -
Uplifting Vitality – Organic Health & Wellness
Uplifting Vitality – Organic Health & Wellness discusses raw, organic, and whole foods that are aligned with natural eating and contribute to an overall improved lifestyle. Many posts in this community deal with inspirational quotes related to holistic living.
Twitter Handle: @UpVitality -
Fruits & Veggies
Fruits & Veggies is a community that discusses ways to be healthier and how we can get healthier without spending an excessive amount or having an increased workload to do so. The contributions from members focus on various foods and innovative ways to prepare them.
Twitter Handle: @IamFSB -
Take Back Food
Take Back Food is a very dense community on Google Plus and helps individuals to have the resources to make informed decisions about what they eat. From sustainability to GMO’s and educational videos, the people in this group are very passionate about empowering each other to make more informed health decisions when it comes to food.
Twitter Handle: @TakeBackFood -
Healing Energies ~ Whole Foods Resources
Healing Energies helps parents create delicious recipes for their families and empower individuals to eat things that not only are good for them, but also taste wonderful. -
Organic Foods
Organic Foods looks at every part of organic food, from farm to the table. They detail home remedies for diseases and reasons you should be eating organic today. -
Clean Eating Recipe Swap
Clean Eating Recipe Swap Encourages the sharing of healthy, nutritious dishes, so that others can get involved with creating meals that are better for themselves and their families. Since recipes are contributed from across the world, you can find truly delicious meals from almost any culture. -
Organic Food and Natural Healing
Organic Food and Natural Healing posts useful pieces on living better through great recipes and step-by-step instructions on how to grow non-GMO foods. -
Whole Food Nourishment
Whole Food Nourishment is a community that discusses useful compounds and natural foods to better one’s quality of life. They talk about raw foods, useful grains, and how to be a responsible vegan.
Holistic Healthcare
Preventing illness and general health degradation by maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle is an effective strategy for decreasing your medical bills and just plain feeling better over the long term.
Dr. Mercola
Dr. Mercola is a Natural Health Specialist who started the well-known website, Mercola.com, which focuses on natural health. His Google Plus page has some of the most interesting content and is regularly updated.
Twitter Handle: @mercola -
Shawngela Pierce
Shawnegla Pierce is a holistic nutritionist in Detroit whose approach emphasizes a more intimate relationship with the self through meditation. The posts on her Google Plus page work on spiritual healing and how to function better in the world holistically.
Twitter Handle: @SeekWithinYou -
Natural Healthcare Guide
Natural Healthcare Guide works to get individuals back in tune with taking care of themselves in ways we were supposed to. They go through various home remedies that are simple and effective at preventing many ailments.
Twitter Handle: @pvyasbuzz -
Holistic Path
Holistic Path is based in Duluth, MN and focuses on meditation and massages to help alleviate pain, stress, and anxiety. The Google Plus page recommends worthwhile foods and gives advice on how to live more holistically.
Twitter Handle: @urholisticpath -
Curejoy is a destination for advice on natural cures, fitness, and beauty. Their knowledge on alternative and natural healthcare solutions makes this page an incredibly worthwhile destination for everything from yoga positions to easy remedies to various conditions.
Twitter Handle: @Curejoy -
Kurinji Holistic Health Care Center
The Kurinji Holistic Health Care Center serves their community by working with individuals to better their lives through holistic methods and educating them on the implications of what we eat. The posts also explain other factors that often impact the community related to air and water quality. -
Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT)
The Federation of Holistic Therapists (FHT) should be one of the first sites and aspiring or currently practicing holistic nutritionists should use in the United Kingdom. They post really great pieces on how to be more effective in the position relating to beauty, sports, de-stressing, and more.
Twitter Handle: @FHT_Org -
heal YOUnaturally is spearheading the initiative to create natural solutions to health problems at reasonable prices. They only take information from the most accredited sources, so you can be sure that you’re getting the most accurate facts available.
Twitter Handle: @healU_naturally -
Multi-Care Holistic Health Center
Based in Conyers, Georgia, Multi-Care Holistic Health Center has some of the most contemporary information concerning what’s being eaten and how to lose weight in a healthy, natural way. The posts all touch on unique aspects of food and eating, often looking at commonly consumed products that may be detrimental to one’s health.
Twitter Handle: @Multi_CareHealt -
Kristine Moller Holistic Health
Kristine Moller Holistic Health posts information on subjects such as stress, recipes, and definitions for terms in nutrition on her engaging Google Plus page. Users should use this page to get started if they’re unfamiliar with holistic nutrition.
Twitter Handle: @kmholistic
Additional Topics
Transitioning to a truly healthy lifestyle might mean making a lot of changes to all aspects of your life, but the rewards of feeling better, living longer, and being able to help others do the same, are completely worth the effort.
Paleo Effect
Paleo Effect shows how we can return to the most natural way of eating through a Paleo Diet. The forum makes a great place to exchange recipes and get advice on how to prepare an impressive number of dishes.
Twitter Handle: @paleoeffect -
Eating Psychology – Mind, Body, and Nutrition
Eating Psychology – Mind, Body, and Nutrition is an integral page for understanding how what we can impact us on a psychological level and have implications that ripple throughout our lives. The page is loaded with recipes that are healthy and loaded with things that improve brain functionality.
Twitter Handle: @Psych_of_Eating -
Healthy Sustainable Living
Healthy Sustainable Living centers their work on informing others about food, cleaners, beauty products, and better general health through naturally occurring products. Since it’s a community, you can always find posts centered on the most contemporary health news.
Twitter Handle: @diyNatural -
Perpetually Evolving
Perpetually Evolving is all about natural and holistic approaches to living healthier lives. Members keep each other updated on natural health news, yoga, energy healing, and many other areas.
Twitter Handle: @Mananui -
Return to Natural Medicine Now by Biogetica
Return to Natural Medicine reframes how we treat diseases and promotes a more natural means of addressing these by eliminating artificial ingredients present in antibiotics and medicines and incorporating more vegetables and fruits in our diets.
Twitter Handle: @BiogeticaHealth -
Nutrition eclinic
Nutrition eclinic posts the latest nutritional and lifestyle medicine to surface in holistic nutrition. They explain lesser known facts about shopping organically and how to improve the quality of food consumed through small lifestyle changes. -
Nutrition for Teachers
Nutrition for Teachers is good for those working with children in the classroom who want to encourage more effective eating methods in the long-term. They post on harmful chemicals, along with how obesity happens.