Dairy, eggs, red meat, and carbohydrates, among others, have all had a bad rap for being “unhealthy” at some point in time. The fact is, all of those foods can be part of healthy diet. Just like everything, it is important to not only eat the right type and right quantity of food to obtain […]
Fitting in Fad Diets – Juicing
Most people truly want to be healthy. However, wanting to be healthy versus really being healthy are two very different things. In part because truly living a healthy lifestyle isn’t easy. Food is social and eating healthy can be a deterrent to many people. I mean, how many times don’t people bring in some sort […]
Year of the Rooster
Chinese New Year, also known as the Lunar New Year, is observed in many Asian countries and communities around the world. The festival begins on the first day of the first month in the traditional lunar calendar. The lunar calendar is based on both the moon phase and the time of the solar year. This […]
Food Trends of 2017
Scoot over new haircut, diet trends and home re-design (sorry Chip and Joanna Gains) but what is trending in 2017 is FOOD! Food feeds our hunger, our curiosity, our social life and our cultural so get your “OpenTable” app open, its fork and knife time!
Season Greetings with Soup
“Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful, and since we’ve no place to go let it snow, let is snow, let it snow.” We are a week shy of Christmas and here in the Midwest we are experiencing our first, true, winters snow. Even though the snow is peaceful and […]
Calorie Burning at Christmas
I admit, I went shopping the day after Thanksgiving but not during the wee hours of the morning. Instead, my sister and I woke up, had our breakfast and went to face the masses around 10:00 in the morning. Now, my sister is a shopper. She had a list of stores she wanted to go […]
Tis the Season for Baking
For some of us, Christmas starts before Thanksgiving. For the rest of us, like myself, I choose to wait until Thanksgiving is over to start decorating, shopping and baking. The holidays bring about all kinds of beautiful cookies with festive colors and shapes: frosted sugar cookies, gingerbread cookies, spritz cookies, thumbprint cookies – so many choices!
Tis the Season for Appetizers and Hors d’oeuvres
It is not uncommon to order a light appetizer prior to a meal. It is also not uncommon to have small plates of food with drinks after work. For many, appetizers and Hors d’oeuvres and used interchangeably to describe a type of food consumed prior to a larger meal. However, did you know appetizers and […]
What is a meal?
Per the movie Forrest Gump, “Mamma always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gunna get.” It is a quote that those 80’s baby’s and older know well but have you ever thought about what that quote actually means? Think about it, when you open up a box of […]
The Comfort of Comfort Food
You can’t argue that the temperatures are changing. Over the last couple of weeks we have opened the windows to the house. This not only circulates fresh air but helps cool down the house. However, at night, the windows stay open which means by the time I wake up the cool, crisp air that circulates […]