The countdown begins…T-5 days until I am on a week long vacation. Even though this vacation will not be one of those relaxing vacations where I am working on my tan while sitting on a beach I still can’t wait to be in England. Whenever you travel abroad the schedule seems to be like the Energizer Bunny…constantly […]
Mental Madness
So far it has been one of those months where my schedule is complete madness. I am not only working 40+ hours Monday-Friday but work weekends, attend professional MBA classes 7 hours a week, train for 1/2 and full marathons, and play intermural slow pitch softball on weekends. I understand that I am the one who has made my […]
The Power of a Pedal
Approximately three years ago one of my good friends convinced me that I needed a road bike. I knew nothing about cycling as I have always been a runner. However, I figured that since riding a bike was as easy as well “riding a bike” I decided why not. So here I was with a brand new road […]
Sip for Success
Days are getting longer and warmer. That means more people are spending time outdoors. No matter your reasons for being outside, gardening, golfing, watching t-ball, bike and road races, etc. the amount of water you need is increased. At any point in the year water is your best friend. During the summer months water should always be within […]
Can you be an Althete and be on a gluten free diet?
Anymore the grocery store is a place that provides a vast array of products for your every need. Need low sodium food for hypertension? Or, low fat food for pancreatitis? What about gluten free foods for Celiac Disease?
Positives about being Positive
It’s Monday morning. You missed your 3 alarms going off and it’s now 7:35am. You missed your morning workout and need to be in the office around 8am. You take a quick shower, throw clothes on, pack breakfast, make a to-go cup of coffee and out the door you are at 7:57am. If you have […]
What children’s plates look like matters!!!
Think back to when you were back in primary or secondary education. For some of us, this is quite the brain exercise to think back that far, but I know you can do it! Now that you are back in primary or secondary education think about what you had to eat at school.
Kick off St. Patrick’s Day with something Green in your diet!
We have all heard it before…”eat your vegetables!” As a child, many of us would fight consuming that slimy looking green thing sitting on our plate. As adults, many of our views of vegetables change. Even if vegetables are not our favorite thing to eat we consume them anyway because of their nutritional benefits. Vegetables come in different shapes, sizes, […]
Bigger, Faster, Stonger
In the world of athletics, the goals of becoming bigger, stronger, faster, slimmer, or more energized never cease to occur. To obtain and retain these goals, commitment to a strict exercise and nutrition plan is required. However, after months of grueling training it’s easy to give up hope and reach for a magic pill. Buyer […]
The way to Sustainability
Change happens whether we want it to or not. Sometimes change can be for the better (ex: Having a healthy baby join the family), or change can be rough (ex: Having a bad hair cut/perm). Regardless of the type of change we have each experienced, the type of change that occurs with improved technology not only […]