While I was in elementary school I remember going out into the community to plant trees during this time of year. As a child this was a fun way to learn about science while also giving back to a community. The additional benefit was not being in class and playing in the dirt 🙂 Even though the lesson during […]
Walk into Health
I have had the great fortune to travel abroad twice within the last year. In June 2015 I visited England with my family while this March I traveled to Portugal and Spain. Each trip was for a different purpose, England for vacation while Portugal and Spain was part of my Master of Business Association (MBA) education. […]
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
In case you haven’t heard, the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans were released this January. For those that do not understand what the Dietary Guidelines for Americans are or their implications, let me break it down. The Dietary Guidelines is the go-to source for nutritional recommendations. These recommendations aim to promote health, prevent chronic disease and […]
Fishy Fridays
For those who celebrate lent, the period preceding Easter that is devoted to fasting, it means giving something up and eating fish every Friday. Every year my father gives up snacking in between meals while I always attempt at giving up sweets. My sister, on the other hand, decided that this year she was going to not only […]
Combat Stress…today
Do you have your standard answers for when someone is making polite conversation and asks “how are you?” or “how are things going?” My go-to answer is “good.” However, over the last month I have felt overly stressed and exhausted but continue to answer the “how are you” question with my standard “good” answer. Is this a […]
Make your HEART healthy this Heart Month
What do you think of when you think of February? Cold weather? Valentines Day? Heart Month? For me, I think of all of the above. In part, because we just witness one of the coldest weeks we have had this winter. Even though I wanted to stay inside, as a pacer for a half marathon […]
What you need to know about Lead
Just the other night I was meeting a group of fellow running coaches to discuss our 2016 half-marathon schedule. During our initial “chit-chat” one of the running coaches brought up what he was currently doing at work, understanding and screening for lead poisoning. Even though I know what lead poison is I didn’t know it […]
Social Media and Body Confidence
Happy 2016! A new year means many things to many people. For several, it means new resolutions to be a better version of yourself. Whether you are trying to be more positive, read more, volunteer more, spend more time with your family, or just trying to get back into shape, new years resolutions take time, planning […]
The “Ultra” Exercise Fad
For those of you who either know of someone or are someone who can’t start or finish your day without exercising, this article is for you! Recently, I had a meeting about which day of the week would work best to be a running coach for individuals who want to train for a half marathon, 13.1 miles. While we […]
The “Spices” of the Holidays
The winter holiday season is one my favorite times of year for several reasons. Spending time with family and friends Holiday parties galore Smell of holiday baking The holiday music that fills every store, restaurant, car and building Shimmering house and tree lights Greetings cards a plenty