How Hard Is It To Find Jobs In Holistic Nutrition?
More Answers From Holistic Nutrition Professionals
Video Transcript
Our jobs readily available. How competitive is the job market right now? Because you’re able to work in a variety of different settings. There’s always job openings. I would say most popular jobs and most readily available would be in a clinical setting. So either in a hospital, skilled nursing facility, long term care center, you will find everywhere just because those are located everywhere. But it is also very possible to create your own business, whether that’s a private practice or a consulting practice, wherever you live pretty easily, it’s a very competitive field. There are a lot of entrepreneurs coming to. This is there are a lot of people already. It’s pretty saturated, but at the same time there’s a lot of opportunity. The field of nutrition is so broad with the modalities of, you know, different jobs you can do. I think there’s room for everyone and there’s a lot to learn in nutrition. It depends on what you’re doing. But if you like, clinical hospitals need clinical dietitians. I work with different health and fitness companies to meet with their clients. There’s so much opportunity. It’s just kind of have to dig a little bit to see, again, make it kind of personal to what you want to do and then follow that path. There’s plenty of jobs. Dietician jobs, definitely. So once you finish that internship, you will find a job pretty easily. I still like to stay up on the job recruitment boards and stuff like that, and I get alerts and there’s always jobs, definitely. Especially in a hospital, if you want to work clinical, there will always be a dietetic job. And it’s funny to get the internship that you have to pay for is really, really competitive.

Mary Ahern
Registered Dietitian & Researcher
4 Years Experience

Kristen C
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
5 Years Experience

Sydne B
Holistic Health Practitioner
2 Years Experience

Kelsey B
Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist
8 Years Experience