What Is Something That You NOT Love About Working in Holistic Nutrition?
More Answers From Holistic Nutrition Professionals
Video Transcript
Host Question: What is something you do not love about working in nutrition?
Answer: It can be very politicized and it’s pretty obvious when there are food products or processed food items that are heavily encouraged when real foods are demonized. A good example is eggs. They were demonized for a couple of decades and come to find out, they’re actually one of the healthiest foods you can eat and very nutrient dense. So yeah, that’s just one example. I think science and research is a really useful tool, but I also think people get too hung up on it and married to it and forget to see the logic and critical thinking of real life.
Answer: Admin paperwork! Business stuff especially as like a freelancer having to do my taxes stinks having to, you know, do all the business side of stuff doesn’t come naturally to me. I have a degree in nutrition, not business. That’s been tough. I’d say doing all the paperwork, doing all the follow up, doing all that, making sure everything fits into the electronic record correctly, and making sure that everything’s getting billed on time and stuff like that is the toughest part i’d say.
Answer: When I originally started my private practice, I was focused on doing one on one nutrition appointments, and as I did that for a few years, I discovered that I wanted to have a bigger impact and I couldn’t really get that from the one on one appointments, and I didn’t love them as much as other people did. So now I have hired a team of dietitians and they work one on one with patients, and I just kind of oversee that and I can spend more time doing the media work or the stuff I like to do.
Answer: I would say is probably compensation. I wish we were a little bit more fairly compensated, especially when it comes to the level of education that we have. For example, if you work in like a health care setting, we as dietitians so I’m speaking from a dietitians perspective as a dietician, we take a lot of really rigorous science classes. We take a lot of really in-depth, pretty tough nutrition classes, too. And then you go into a clinical setting where of the clinical staff, you are on the lower end of the compensation when you start.

Mary Ahern
Registered Dietitian & Researcher
4 Years Experience

Kristen C
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
5 Years Experience

Sydne B
Holistic Health Practitioner
2 Years Experience

Kelsey B
Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist
8 Years Experience