What Was The Hardest Class Of Your Nutrition Degree Program?
More Answers From Holistic Nutrition Professionals
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Answer: The hardest class I had to take was organic chemistry, for sure. Anybody who’s ever taken oxides or organic chemistry knows that it’s such a beast to get through. It is a very hard class. It is hard to wrap your mind around such abstract concepts. But if you’re going to work in any sort of clinical job, usually you have to take that class. But you can get through it. People do it.
Answer: Probably nutritional biochemistry is looking at the microscopic science of nutrition and what happens when you eat, what receptors go where. It was a little hard to grasp because it’s not something you can visibly see. It’s all illustrations and diagrams. None of it is, you know, real photos of what’s happening. That was definitely the hardest for me, and it was very science based and research based, and my mind is very Applied Sciences. So as soon as I got into my nutrition classes, I didn’t really have a problem with those ones. I will say the more basic science, those hard sciences were a little bit tougher for me.
Answer: I always struggled in anatomy and physiology, which is funny now because I study energy expenditure, which is basically all physiology because it’s applied for me. So it works in my brain a little bit better. But I will say the organic chemistry is in the biochemistry. Once you pass those basic foundational classes like the biology and the chemistry is, it gets easier. Biochemistry I had it every day at 8:00 AM and it was so hard. And I had a teacher that had a very heavy accent. It was just so impossible. But we got through one of the hardest things just in general about school. My school, and this goes for most dietetic programs, is that you can’t get into the Junior seminar or the senior seminar without having BS and all of your science classes.

Mary Ahern
Registered Dietitian & Researcher
4 Years Experience

Kristen C
Registered Dietitian Nutritionist
5 Years Experience

Sydne B
Holistic Health Practitioner
2 Years Experience

Kelsey B
Registered Dietitian & Nutritionist
8 Years Experience